
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

There are a lot of announcements; first we are having our first field trip on Nov. 6th @ 11:00 at the Bowladrome.  The fee is $4.50 and includes a drink. I have a few parents who have not paid the bus fee of $5.00; this fee allows your child transportation to and from all of our field trips.  I am sending home in Friday folder a permission slip for you to sign, please return it before or on Wednesday Nov. 6th.  Second, our Halloween party is tomorrow, the parade will be at 1:30, costumes are allowed they can wear them to school if they want or they can put it on after recess.  Masks are fine.  There is no school on Friday so the kiddos will be able to sleep in, have a safe Halloween!!

  Third item of business is that we have Parent Teacher conferences next week.  In Friday folders I have attached a reminder to the behavior report.  So I look forward to seeing and meeting all of you next week!  Have a fabulous weekend!  Mrs. Enders

Friday, October 25, 2013

It's been a great week and the students have been working hard!  Just a few things to mention, there will be no tests this week or next week in Friday's folder, I am keeping them to show you for Parent Teach Conferences.  In Friday's folder I have put in there a new book order that will be due Nov. 22nd. Also I will send home next Thursday the Confrence time reminder! So I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Thanks, Mrs. Enders

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Items that are needed for our food drive

For the next 3 to 4  weeks we are collecting items for the Chobani Healthy Food Drive.  All students had a list of items in their Friday folders that our classroom needs to collect, please look it over find an item your child could donate.  If we get all of the items on the list, Chobani is going to give Harrison a reward!!  Here are the items they are wanting.  You can send these items in until Thursday November 21st.  Remember these items are a healthier choice compared to some choices we can buy at the grocery store.  Thanks again for your support!!

  1.  brown rice
  2. whole grain noodles
  3. plain instant oatmeal
  4. whole grain crackers
  5. whole grain, low-sugar cereal
  6. whole grain cereal bars
  7. canned/pouch meats packed in water
  8. natural peanut butters
  9. low sodium canned beans
  10. canned fruit in its own natural juices
  11. 100% fruit juice
  12. low sodium  canned vegetables
  13. low sodium broth-based vegetables soup
  14. no sugar added applesauce
  15. whole grain mustard
  16. low-fat salad dressing
  17. baked chips
  18. low fat graham crackers
  19. bottled water or seltzer
  20. unsweetened plain soymilk

Friday, October 18, 2013

Please look in Friday's folder!!

There are a lot of papers in Friday's folders that you really need to look out for. There is a pamphlet on The Common Core that explains what it is and how it is being implemented into the curriculum. There is sheet in there that gives your student's username and password so that you can keep up to date with your student's grades. We are asking parents to donate a food item on the yellow piece of paper. Chabani is giving our school a "reward" if each classroom is able to collect all the food items on the list, so please pick and item and bring it with your student. Also I have sent home parent teacher conference sign up schedule, please get this back to me ASAP!! If I do not hear from you by early next week, then expect a phone call! Your student's tests are also in the folder please looking them over. Thanks for your support, Mrs. Enders

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hello hope everyone is having a great week. Just wanted to remind you that box tops are due this Friday, so please cut them out and bring them in. Our class will get some kind of cool party if we win!! Also I am sending home today The Parent Teacher conference schedule, look it over and let me know if that time is convenient for you. Please indicate on the form a better time if you need to change it. If your student brings this back to me by Friday they get a punch in their punch card. Thanks for your support, Mrs. Enders

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Book orders have come in and I am not sure which books belong to what student. Some of you ordered on-line, but it did not tell who ordered what. Sorry for this!! If you know you made an order and you can remember which books you ordered please contact me ASAP, Thanks, Mrs. Enders